In case you're new to Jane's Walk MKE, let us explain.
If you read the home page, you know that every year we facilitate a month of neighborhood explorations--which also included bike rides and a kayak tour last year--as well as community activities like the screenings of the documentary Citizen Jane: Battle For The City, all honoring and inspired by the life and work of urban planner and community activist, Jane Jacobs. Each year we seek new hosts and facilitators for walks and other events to expose curious minds to different neighborhoods, little known hiking trails, and issues of concern to local residents. This is where you come in!
If you're wondering "Well, how do I get involved?", there are 3 paths for that at this time--lead a "walk" event, join events as a walker/participant, or join us as a Community Partner in another capacity. Maybe you're not equipped to or it's not feasible for you to lead a "walk," but you might be able to
host a film screening about Jane Jacobs,
a book discussion,
a speaker,
a community service project,
or other gathering that will also serve to promote Jane's Walk MKE and its month of "walks" under this year's theme of "revisioning" our great city or neighborhoods. Perhaps you already have an April or May event or initiative that fits our theme?
In return, and in addition to promotion of your Jane's Walk event and exposure to your organization or business, you and your organization will be invited to attend the MOVERS & SHAKERS LAUNCH PARTY on Friday, May 1, 2020, to promote your organization and meet walk leaders ("Shakers") and participants ("Movers") in a unique way. You'll be one of those Shakers, too!
In previous years, we've hosted panel discussions with Community Partners or had them posted at tables around the room. This year we're mixing it up again--after all, our theme this year is revisioning! We envision more direct interaction with attendees, rather than having you stand behind a table full of pamphlets.
There will still be a place where guests can pick up information about you or your organization, but we're planning some unexpected and special ways for everyone to connect!
If you are interested in becoming a Community Partner, please register by Wednesday, April 1, and let us know what you might be able to offer. A member of our organizing committee will reach out to you with more details.
Let's get shakin'!